Cheers to the Years
Cheers to the Years
The Cheers to the Years Bouquet is the perfect choice for celebrating special milestones and unforgettable moments. This stunning bouquet features a combination of balloons that exude elegance and festivity, making it an ideal centrepiece for any celebration.
At the heart of the bouquet is a large bubbly bottle helium-filled balloon, standing at an impressive 99cm tall. This eye-catching balloon instantly sets the tone for a festive atmosphere, symbolising joy and celebration.
Complementing the bubbly bottle balloon are two 45cm foil balloons, adding a touch of sophistication to the arrangement. These foil balloons boast vibrant colours and intricate designs, making them stand out as focal points of the bouquet.
To add an extra pop of colour and flair, the bouquet also includes two 28cm latex balloons filled with helium and treated with hifloat for extended float time. These latex balloons, tied with matching ribbons to a weight, complete the ensemble, creating a cohesive and visually stunning display.
Whether you're celebrating a milestone birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion, the Cheers to the Years Bouquet is sure to impress. Order now and raise a toast to cherished memories and exciting new beginnings!